Will i have full access to my VPS when it is Managed?

Managed Hosting platforms do not provide or grant admin or root access. This is mainly designed as an additional security layer. Webdev grants administrator access only to the Webdev SysAdmin’s. This prevents issues such as unauthorized installation of new / other software that might interfere with the LAMP stack, reconfiguration or misconfiguration of the OS or LAMP stack at an administrative level (which can be impossible to fix if tampered with extensively), or unwanted changes to a web application.

We may grant FTP and Control panel access after an indemnity is signed and sent through, absolving Webdev from any liabilities that may arise from this access granting or downtime caused by the client while logged on to their VPS (e.g uploading compromised files / images etc, accidentally deleting a key file from a live website thereby breaking functionality or lastly, rolling out untested updates on a live site)

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